Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime in Illinois. It can lead to significant fines, loss of driving privileges and even jail time. If you have been arrested, it is important that you consult with an experienced DUI lawyer Aroma Park Illinois who can handle these types of cases. Call The MacNeil Firm today for a free consultation at (708) 218-0947.
A good DUI defense lawyer will make the difference between a defendant receiving the maximum penalty or a lesser charge, or an acquittal. When you call our offices, you will receive legal assistance from a qualified and experienced family of criminal defense lawyers who understand how and when to utilize a variety of defenses.
Blood Alcohol Content
If you were not under the influence of alcohol, that can be a valid defense. If your BAC was below 0.08%, which is the legal limit for driving in Illinois, and you were still arrested, we may be able to get the charges dismissed. If you were not driving the vehicle, were just a passenger, or if the vehicle was stationary when the police arrested you, those may also be reasons to get the charges dismissed.
Your breathalyzer results were inaccurate
The breathalyzer results are not always 100% accurate. The machines can be calibrated incorrectly by the police or by the manufacturer of the machine. Breathalyzers can also be affected by other factors such as ambient temperature and humidity levels, which means that if you took your test in an environment where it was hot or humid out, then there’s a chance that those conditions could have affected the machine’s reading.
Other factors that may affect the tests include body weight, gender and age, how much alcohol was consumed, and how long ago consumption occurred. How quickly one absorbs alcohol into their system and processes it through metabolism may also affect test results. If you believe the BAC test results were incorrect, The MacNeil Firm is here to help. Our DUI lawyer Aroma Park Illinois will take time to learn about your case and explain all your available options.

The police did not have a reason to pull you over
One of the most common DUI defenses is that the police did not have reason to pull you over in the first place. In order to establish a valid stop, an officer must have reasonable suspicion that you were driving under the influence. This means that they observed some behavior or action on your part which led them to believe that you may be impaired by alcohol or drugs. For DUI traffic stops, the most common reasons police officers provide are drivers showing NHTSA driving impairment patterns, such as running stop lights or speeding.
If the arresting police officer had no probable cause for the DUI traffic stop, your DUI lawyer Aroma Park Illinois can file a motion to suppress evidence to exclude any evidence obtained during the illegal search. Suppressing important evidence can increase your chances of getting a DUI dismissed.
In addition, if you have been charged with a DUI, it is important to understand that the police are required to read you your rights. If they did not do so and you were not aware of what was going on, this could be grounds for dismissal of your case.
If you are charged with drunk driving, contact our DUI lawyer Aroma Park Illinois
If you are charged with drunk driving, there are many ways to fight back. It is important that you hire a DUI lawyer Aroma Park Illinois who knows how to use these defenses. The MacNeil Firm may be able to prove that the police did not have probable cause, they failed to follow proper procedures, or the BAC testing was inaccurate.
Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case we may be able to get the charges reduced or even dropped. Our attorneys will make sure to evaluate your case, make sure all your questions are answered, and explain all of your available options. Contact us today for a consultation.